October 30, 2009

John Durban Arrives...

Much unlike the end of the world, with a bang, not a whimper. He saw me standing on the balcony from at least a block away and began belting, fucking belting, hat on Burn...get it on motherfucker.

I haven't seen John for a long time. So long, I don't even want to talk about it. We both knew that truth and spoke words without speaking when he showed up at the door and said give me something to get me started I need a shower. That's where he is while I'm typing, occupied like a small child. We're gonna grab a bite and then let the night take us away. I told him we're going to need a new chapter and that it might have to come from tonight and that that is a huge fucking responsibility but that I'm up for it. Of course he was too. Every quarter day John Durban lives could be a chapter.

He was supposed to come in last night or at least claimed that he was going to try. It was absolutely a show he wanted to see. We don't have all of the same tastes, but Muse certainly floods both our canals. Still, I wasn't put off by his absence. In fact, I knew he wasn't going to come. He's been reclusive since the incident, even though some time has passed, so when I went alone, there was no surprise. Not at all.

Today he sent me a text and I told him not to because it's expensive when bouncing from the states and through whatever provider is swiping me out here. I told him to write me in an e-mail, not thinking about who I was dealing with...

H / i / B / u / r / n (slashes denote separate texts)
Are you serious? Stop
Yeah, okay / I didn't make it / are you there? / please don't ignore me / I'm fragile
I read / It looked good / Those boys can play / Sorry / Again
Alright cocksucker text me. Drinks on you.
Drinks always on me
You're coming?
don't know
Alright dude...
tone! that's a tone. why do you have a tone?
You should come.
You should talk
Halloween. I met a girl on the flight from NYC.
what's she do?
Fashion, runway.
Has 6 friends, same bill, edge beauty the cast type.
My type
They want to get righteous for Halloween.
Coincidence! so the fuck do I!!
You coming?
I always was. For you not them. Though I look a little false now.
Your MO. When?
7, already in the cab.
Do you really think we need another chapter?
Yes. Maybe 2. One more push and they'll publish.
Let's make her famous / the city / maybe a pair of dames, too...