October 16, 2008

Pushing Daisies...

I've professed my love for this show before. It's a love buoyed in depth. Sometimes, you find something out there that just speaks to you, and though on the surface, we may sometimes wish it were more profound than a TV show, truth is, to me, there is nothing more profound. It just works. And I can't explain it. So many things are simply best left unsaid.

On last night's ep ("Bad Habits"), there was a scene right at the end. And it came out of nowhere. And it cut me in half, and it poured me out. And giving a transcription of it or posting it here would give the nail we're hitting too much head. After all, I'm a twisted and bent kind a guy. But on the other hand, no mention of it would simply be an injustice...an injustice indeed.

This isn't THE scene (39:00 on the online episode if you're in the mood for a dig), but excellent on another level...

And, of course...Kristin Chenowith is my mind-wife.