May 13, 2010

Plans Change, We Understand...

Says Orbitz when I cancel my original hotel reservation in Bangkok, after I read that the military is closing in on the Red Shirts in Bangkok. There's a line in the original Ghostbusters where Ray says something to Peter like your girlfriend is living in the corner penthouse of spook central - in reference menacing and apocalyptic ghouls and ghosts threatening to unmake the world and Manhattan. That's the line that came to mind when I looked at a Thailand native's Google Map of the affected area, the area of Bangkok where hell is about to break loose, and realized my hotel is the fucking EYE of spook central. It's the kind of locale that will find the Red Shirts hiding in the lobby when the army moves in, which is going to happen any moment now...literally any fucking moment if it hasn't happened already.

My first instinct was that it felt like destiny, that this was absolutely something that I needed to do. Remain there. Ignorance at its worst. I'm not. I'm moving off. Because this isn't my fight, and it's something I can not pretend to understand, even if at times I pretend to.

I hope Durban is on my page.