September 18, 2009

This One Too...

The great thing about concerts and YouTube is that when a band is playing a song and you wish you could take it with you and see it again...there is now always at least one asshole recording instead of watching. The first time I heard Bling I won't forget. See, Sam's Town came out right after I left to go travel Europe. My iPod had already been fully stocked and I couldn't add anything to it until I met my girlfriend and her computer in Africa. So, I ducked into this tiny internet cafe in Athens and streamed the entire album out of Pandora and just sat there for hours, literally. This song killed the first time through. A couple of my friends had gotten back to me through correspondence that Sam's Town wasn't great. After Hot Fuss, I know a lot of people jumped off. And maybe part of that gave me the head of steam I got going in, where everything just worked, but I absolutely believe Sam's Town is one of the greatest albums ever made. This was brilliant...and now I can have it back. Thank you dickhead section J row F seat 8392!

And to you, beautiful asshole in the front fucking row...