September 18, 2009


Great movie. And it's not because I spent the summer after my freshman year of college working at a Six Flags in Jackson, New Jersey. I lived in a company house with 8 other baseball players from all over the country. We'd have bonfires of garbage because nobody ever came to pick it up and rave dance parties with the European kids who came over to work for the summer. To get let in, I'd ask them to bring their free park passes, given to any employee after they accumulated a certain number of hours on the job. We'd get blacked out and fuck this house like you wouldn't believe. There was a Czech girl Ieva, beautiful blonde, who was always begging me to have sex with save her from the arranged marriage that was waiting for her back home. I never did...told over over and over that I was in love with some faraway girl named Clark. One morning after a banner party, I stood outside the McDonalds by the park entrance, right off the highway and made 600 dollars selling the Euro kids' passes to suspicious Garden State natives.

So anyway, it's not because of that. Although if I ever did see any of those guys again, I feel like we could laugh for weeks. Like the Saturday we all went to Home Depot, fucking drunk, to buy axes and chop down healthy trees. Fucking weeks. Anyway, I adore this movie because Kristen Stewart and Jesse Eisenberg are excellent and because the sum is a cut above what I expected. If you're going to watch the movie, don't watch this...but this is perfect...