February 21, 2009

Here Comes Oscar...not so roaring back...

Tomorrow, the great golden statues are being handed out. Oscar Sunday is usually something of a holy day for me...usually. There's something about the weight of it - and celebrating great films over the course of the year usually makes for a date I calendar circle. This year...I don't know. Not so much. Don't get me wrong, I thought this was an excellent year, and I do remember being somewhat thoroughly entertained and there were a lot of good movies...good movies.

But I felt like most of them got me so close and then...they just left me, dick in my own hand, having to then take care of myself. Excuse the profanity, you have no idea what it's like working in proximity with this cretin Durban. In the past, I've found myself to be something of an elitist, maybe even a smug film-goer. I love awards season films - they're what inspired me to come out here. This year, though movie going's been solid, I feel like it's been just that and only that. And looking back, I think there were only a handful of films that really got me off. Dark Knight, Tropic Thunder, Wall-E, Let The Right One In, Cloverfield, In Bruges, and this one, Ghost Town, that I saw tonight...this potentially derivative bag of shit high concept studio snatch up that unsurprisingly turned out to be not that at all. All from the great, great, great Ricky Gervais...

I feel like I'm going to be watching the Oscars like I'm watching Super Bowl Pittsburg v. Arizona. I care, but a whole hell of a lot less than you might think. Smug is out. It just ain't workin' for me this year. Apologies to all you Frosty Revolutionary Readers and Wrestling high Buttoned Milk drinking Slumdog Doubters. Apologies.

Point studios.