May 30, 2009

Drag Me To Hell...

I remember the first time I saw Army Of Darkness on Pay Per View. I had a cable descrambler growing up as a child (or maybe I'm just making this up)...because clearly, I've never done anything morally objectionable in my life. Anyway, it was a movie and watching experience I'll never forget. Hilarious and scary and wild and it planted the seeds of my being able to say that this new one, Drag Me To Hell, is absolutely Sam Raimi, and it's really good for all the same reasons. Totally fun and nasty and scary and absurd.

I've always been a big fan of Alison Lohman - something about her always works for me. I'm watching this movie and the whole time, I'm in my seat and applauding because I know she's this beauty starlet, and that she's very talented, and I know that some of the shit Raimi was asking her to do would scare off and did scare off at least one other massively talented starlet in town. I remember when this one was coming together...and I remember being wickedly hyped for it. I also remember having this feeling that it was a huge diceroll. It was. Now that I'm through and I've seen it, I have to say it kicks. And Ms. Lohman dives head first and just crushes it. When you see it, you'll see that's not an easy thing to do. I met her at a party a ways back (drop!) and we're talking about the craziest shit Sam Raimi asked of her, knowing he was going back to his horror/gore roots and I'm admitting that I'm a savant/loser and she started talking in spurts about all these things and her mouth and I didn't get it at the time but, I fucking get it. Gross. Amazing. It's a great flick and she elevates. See it. Take someone not pompous.