January 10, 2009

Like He Said...

You ever get that...I was gonna say thing, but it's not really a thing. Let me preface with a statement...

I'm not an alcoholic.

Thank you. Actually, I've found myself moving away from alcohol consumption all together. Not to toot my own troubled horn, but start blacking out at 16, and by the time you hit 27, you're kinda over it. I'm kinda over it. For the most part...

Every now and again, I get this wandering desire. Everything about it reminds me of New York City. Something about being a stranger, playing the beer and shot game at 4-11 bars, alone, over the course of a night...magic does exist.

Last night, I had the same itch...but in Los Angeles. Here, things are a little different. There's a lot more walking. Here, it helps to pick up a flask for the steps between...that and an I-Pod...

So I was watching Goonies and line dancing with Jack and Stella before I stepped out. I knew where I was supposed to end up - at Guy's to meet a girlfriend of mine around 1230 - so she could...get this...set me up with a girlfriend of hers.

Ask the world to amuse you and it will...

In between, you could have spotted me winding the streets, head bobbing, hands dancing...slipping in and out of the shadows of random WeHo wells. Just wandering. It was dark and my steps sprung and in my mind, I could have been anywhere.

I made it to Guy's around 12. The door was nasty. Nasty. There was no pull left to pull, so I bit my lip and waited, knowing that letting my pride back me away from what was behind that door would have defeated my night. When I got inside, it was good. Find the right club in this town on the right night and let me tell you...the kids are out to play. And goodness, these kids are pretty. Goodness, this town is a factory.

So the girl...

Was something. And way too good to be set up. And she was kind of over the scene and a little salty like me, maybe a romantic...having little hope or faith in anything that is ever supposedly supposed to go down. And tough. And protected...so protected...so guarded. Word on the street and the weight she was carrying said that she very recently did some serious damage to another man's universe. And she kind of had it in her eyes, this look, like she needed to be taken to bed for a weekend...that that would be all she needed...

All she wanted.