December 13, 2011

In Which They Played The Same Song 9 Times In A Row...

"Niggas In Paris." One of two things happened after Jay and Kanye walked off the stage last night in Los Angeles. Either they slapped hands and fell to the ground laughing, Jay paying Kanye 1 million cash on the bet he lost, Kanye saying, "I told you those motherfuckers would still be singing the 9th time around - I'M DONE the world has gone dumb as shit." OR they immediately dipped their dicks in Cristal and started talking about how legendary they are, going city to city, outdoing themselves by playing the same fucking song that samples quotes from fucking Blades Of Glory over and over and over again. 9 times. Love them both, really do, but I would fearfully bet on the latter. 90% of this album just felt like a stunt. This is me rooting for someone to knock them down. This is me absorbing the reality that MBDTF is as good as either of them will ever be. But that's okay. Epic is a brutal act to follow.