December 02, 2011

Can I Be Honest...

There has always been something so enchanting about the way Lana Del Rey's music first crept out. I know she's been around for a bit...sort of, and had a start/stop in there somewhere, but those first two released songs, Blue Jeans and Video Games had something in them that made even seasoned listeners give pause. In music these days, that's nothing short of a minor miracle. Now she's buzzing and the Troubador probably sold out in two seconds and will have lines of people begging to get in to make the scene. Good for her. She deserves it. The reason I'm even writing this is because as the album release is approaching, and new stuff is starting to arrive, for some reason, I'm ready to not like her...because even though I love the music, there's something behind it really bothering me that I can't quite put my finger on. That's a lie - I know exactly what it is. So I was ready to dismiss this new track, and her as a flash, until I couldn't, until I told myself just to shut the fuck up and enjoy something hopefully genuine, and really, really good. Shine on sister.