May 22, 2008

Indiana Jones and His Makers...

Last night, I braved the crowds to take in the 12:30 show Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Shows played on every screen through the night and into the morning. In my theater alone, I counted 13 grown men dressed as Indiana Jones…half of them toting Marians around their arms. I couldn’t help but smile as they passed. And as they passed, they probably nudged and made mention of the smiling guy who showed up alone to a midnight movie. Everything’s relative.

All I’ll say is that if you liked any or all of the previous three films, you should like this one (minus the 21st century Lucas touch). Anyone saying otherwise is just being elitist.

I’m not going profound, but I will say that the tragedy of this movie hardly comes from what’s on screen. For me, as it was unfolding, I couldn’t dispose the idea of mortality from my mind. Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Karen Allen…

They’ve aged. Everlasting life is not gifted to the Hollywood elite as I had dreamt. Though I’m still not convinced I ever will…or ever die for that matter, I feel like these guys, these amazing and iconic talents…eventually will. And now that I’m sitting here, 20 some hours removed, it makes me want to stand up and cheer.

I just caught this special, “Spielberg on Spielberg” on TCM, watched it for a couple hours. This guy just sends a surge through me. He’s been making great movies over the span of my entire life…movies that have been seen and loved on every corner and in every crack of the Earth. It makes me want to stand up and cheer.

Mr. Spielberg gets mention because he’s rare talent – something we should always strive to lift up, preserve and nourish, something that should inspire us all. Remember, everything is relative – and because I want to put this clip up…because it’s wound so deep in me, you couldn’t cut it free without spilling a heart.