August 07, 2010


Sometimes, when I put words to these posts, they're split between the place I've been and the place I'm staying. I usually try to get one out and off before moving on to avoid confusion or schizophrenia. Tonight, I'm in Manila, waiting for a flight early tomorrow morning to me get out of the city and south, closer to ground zero of the half Ironman that's happening in a couple of weeks. I spent 30 bucks on a hotel close to the airport. It's a nice joint right in the middle of Manila's cockfighting district. Okay, that's not true. The whole of Philippines is a cockfighting district. Outside of my sixth floor window, there's a massive, hollowed factory or once upon a time lumber yard where a young girl, no older than 12, looks after prize cocks and a mangy dog, always alone. I can't help watching her.

This is my second to last country before I go home to Los Angeles. I've been thinking about that a lot lately...