July 08, 2009

They're Coming...

A couple months ago, I was honestly trying to line up life so that I could fly to Sydney for a night and see the Killers play the V festival. Tickets were cheap and I was going through something, I suppose, where everything about that idea made absolute sense. Of course I didn't go and the idea faded and I stayed in Los Angeles, maybe hoping that with patience, they would come to me. Now they are...Hollywood Bowl in September - and although I like to hit bands when they're fresh on tour for a new album, this might work out just as well - and maybe they'll go deep enough to pull something like Sweet Talk or Bourbon. Even though this video looks like a movie everyone made when they were in high school or college, including me...the song remains one of the 5 or 10 most moving in my life.

Actually, maybe listen and not watch. It's just too big. Password is KROQFAIRYTALE.