July 04, 2007

Return to Form?

I’ve been stewing...don’t know what it is. And get me not wrong, this isn’t a complaint. This, is enjoyment…but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to at least try and put a finger on it. Sometimes, for moments at a time, I worry of the death of my heart…a combination of lacking inspiration and the continual thought and reminder of the hollowing affects of fucking loveless. I’m confused…or about to explode…or both. And the times in my life where I worried that feeling was gone, I recall a need to weep. So to it now, I can only bid warm welcome.

Welcome, welcome.

And yes, F Y fucking I, I have a heart…the sort that makes me either want to snap necks or kiss them so sweet I’d teach the world they’ve been missing much, much of their lives. This heart…it’s a piece of machinery quite emotionally advanced, actually. Not necessarily hearts in general, not that I’ve encountered, just mine.

I feel I’ve reached a working crossroads, and I’m alright with that. Basically, because sometimes, I think I have distaste for this new job I took…distaste because hate is such a strong word. And by crossroads, I mean after the summer, I think I need to find a good way to cut my salary in half and do the right thing.

I very recently made a pass at writing a television series based on the first restaurant I worked. It’s not on TV because it’s nothing more than my little secret. Right now, although I haven’t exactly found out yet, I believe I’ll find there’s not a whole lot I can do with it…again, key on yet. So instead, my eyes and ears have recently turned to something that is on TV, a little show called Rescue Me with the genius savage, Denis Leary. The idea is to pick a show whose voice you can emulate and elevate (my words), write an episode and then find out what the fuck what. I thought it was in my ballpark until I saw the 4th episode of season 3…right up until Leary’s character’s rape of his ex-wife turns into the best TV sex I’ve ever seen (because she’s into it, not because I’m openly into rape). Anyway, after I saw it, I knew that even though it took a while to open myself up to TV, if I was ever going to write a TV spec while on hiatus from stabbing at features, this would be the show to eat my time.

Do you ever see or read about something and just want to talk about it? Okay, obviously. There’s a reason I’m not in Washington. Most of the time, politics fail to move. I’m not in parts of New York because I don’t “get” business…in cases applicable. And I sure as shit ain’t preaching hypocrisy in the form of Jesus or Muhammad…

I’ve talked about Danny Boyle in the past…even on here after seeing Millions, and I find myself wanting to talk about him again. He’s absolutely on my must list (and not solely due to beautiful Muse overuse) and apparently looking to climb his way to the top of it. But anyway, I’ve been following this thing for a while now, Sunshine. Now I can’t let it go. I can’t help but smell incredible…a scent in the movies I rarely pick up on, especially early, but as a close today, I want to lead any eager eyes to their own close…

Because I’m stewing, like I said…and am going to save emotional resonance for another day. B-Day USA is here and will be covered in stops ranging from Pasadena to Malibu to Santa Monica. Shut eye tonight…not optional.


Why do I so yearn to be epic?