May 24, 2006

Kicking Down Doors, The Prequel...

How do you wrap a last goodbye when you know for sure? It is. Careful what you wish…or enjoy stage fright from on top of the Empire State.


We’ll cut a deal. Don’t ask of me to give reason, you wont be insulted with rhyme. I’m not that blend of poet.

Next to you, our employers, there was nothing we held more dear. Even watching you shatter straws, every day our last…season. One line in, I’ve caved.

No time for rehearsal. I know you can hear me…

Why we came, here it comes, the long story and short. To dust rust for the Heavens, I’ll be obligated to report. About our first world in danger of collapsing into sorrow. We couldn’t bear that day find you, or allow it tomorrow.

So much to say, never enough time…

Goodbye Big City. Goodbye lights, seasons. Goodbye your tragedy, hope, beauty, confusion and chaos. Your escapes. Goodbye your faults and memories. Friends. Home. Hot, cold, the style you parry to let life unfold.

I can leave nothing behind except a wave and blown kiss. But I’ll trade the end of this fable for the hurt of everything we’ll miss.

To a world need mending, a cavalry rode in from above. And four angels rendered helpless, in the end, found love.

Goodbye. Goodbye. Forever goodbye.