March 29, 2011

Oh Man, Do I Heart Keira Knightley...

Not much else to say about that. Bravo Chanel, once again. I want to buy your scent, and drink it.

March 28, 2011

I'm Fairly Skeptical Of Buzz...

Even more skeptical of free buzz, but this makes me feel like I'm in the presence of real deal, and I like that. Click to get, take you away. Yeah, that's a Beach House sample. Yeah, style.

March 23, 2011

Time To Pick A Fight...

Hey bro, how's it going? You cool? Cool. November 28th, yeah that was your day and that day wasn't so long ago, was it? Let me just come out and say something before I say a lot of other things, that we are all proud of what you did that day, your first Ironman. Congratulations. If that's what you want to hear, you can fucking have it. Take it, put it in your pocket, pull it out any time you need to jerk off by celebrating your own mediocrity. You'll never fool me. And seriously, if victory like that is victory you want to hang onto, please just dig a grave and put yourself in it. Stop distracting the world from the alarmingly short supply of genuine, inspired effort.

I am going to destroy you in every sense of the word. There's a race coming up in May, in St. George, Utah, another full Ironman. You're not running it anymore, I am. You were so afraid. You trained afraid, swam afraid, biked afraid, ran afraid. You were an embarrassment. You didn't understand what I fully do, that it's better to fall apart than fail to compete. I will die before I become you again. That's a promise.

You are the skin I've pulled off and left behind. Someday, and soon, you and all your shed friends will be sitting at a bar and you'll be pointing at me, telling them you used to be me, that I wouldn't be what I am without you. That'll be your story and I'll be charging on, always charging on. Tomorrow when those sheets are lifted, something new and brutal and beautiful begins.

Also, fuck you.

March 22, 2011

I Feel Like This Next One Is Going To Be Special...

Doesn't come out until May 3rd, but they're releasing tracks in what seems to be a steady stream. The album will probably at the very least be streaming by mid-April. They're coming by the Palladium soon after that. Hopefully then the summer rush will start, and everyone will start to creep from the woodwork, and nights will be made that I'll want to write about here, because that's all any of this is really ever about anyway.

March 16, 2011

You Know What They Say...

Just because you can make a movie doesn't mean you should. And by they, I mean I. That's what I'm saying...

March 14, 2011

So It Begins...

Race week. First of 2011, ending with the Los Angeles Marathon this sunday. Not trying to sound worldly, or maybe I am, but after running races in Indonesia (Oly Tri), Philippines (70.3), Thailand (Tribe to Tribe Marathon) and Mexico (Ironman) over the course of the last year, it’s going to be pretty nice to line up for a home town race, even nicer to eat somewhere local after, relax and sleep at home after that. I’m already getting fired up, like all that comfort post race means I have to chase something uber brutal during because I don’t have to get on a plane right after…or sleep with cockroaches…or share the backseat of a winding bus in 100 degree heat for 5 hours with 5 Thai teens, no water, willing away vomit and dehydration and coma the entire time.

I love this city. Love almost everything about it. Even our promos are damn amazing. What other city in the world would you see a promo like this.?.?.?

March 11, 2011

Super 8...

Abrams and Spielberg. I don't think there is anything better than that. Also, seeing this makes me envy children. Nothing makes me envy children. June.

March 10, 2011

March 06, 2011

You Know That Thing That Happens When You Wake Up In The Morning, Pick Up Your Phone To Read An Unrecognized E-Mail...

And it breaks you down and makes you cry, actually shed tears because it brings you back to a place and moment and behavior you left far behind, under distant circumstances and states of heart and spirit...that makes you feel like you have to be better, always, because the moments you spend at your absolute worst will come back and face you, always, and from those moments, the only thing returned to you is undeserved love, making you hurt and hurt bad? I didn't either.

Hi i am karu from akurala sri lanka

friend the story you have uploaded to the you tube is very interesting and you have presented it well with great videos that you have recorded.
It was a great pleasure to me to have a chapter in your story about me and the tour I did for you specially about our small village's beautiful beach,that you were attracted.
And when the family members saw that they were so happy.And when they saw your picture they identified as the USA friend who wrote stories on a small yellow book sitting on the red chair of our home.I will mail you again dear.

March 01, 2011